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Project 02

Cinematographer / Robert Horwell

Robert Horwell is a cinematographer who has left a significant mark on the film industry, particularly through his work on feature films such as "Grand Isle," "The Lost Choices," and "Hallows Eve." His expertise in cinematography and his ability to adapt to different challenges and budgets have earned him a reputation as a highly skilled and versatile professional.

In "Grand Isle," Robert Horwell was tasked with shooting the UK scenes for the film, working closely with director Stephen S. Campanelli, a seasoned veteran in the industry known for his collaborations with Clint Eastwood. One of the major challenges Robert faced during this project was the need to capture a substantial page count in a limited time frame. To make matters more demanding, he had only one camera at his disposal, as opposed to the usual setup with an A Cam and B Cam. This situation was a source of concern for the director, Stephen Campanelli.

Adding to the complexity, Robert had to work with multiple locations, and he needed to match the existing style and look of the film, as scenes had already been shot in the USA. Despite these formidable obstacles, Robert and his UK team rose to the occasion and delivered exceptional results. They not only managed to cover the extensive page count but also finished the UK scenes ahead of schedule.

Stephen S. Campanelli was pleasantly surprised by the speed and efficiency with which Robert and his UK team worked. He praised Robert's ability to adapt to the challenges and match the film's style seamlessly. The feedback from this collaboration was overwhelmingly positive, with Robert's proficiency in working under pressure and maintaining the film's visual consistency being highly commended.

In "The Lost Choices" and "Hallows Eve," Robert Horwell once again displayed his commitment and talent as a cinematographer. Despite the low-budget nature of these films, Robert wholeheartedly embraced both projects, elevating their visual quality and storytelling. His ability to work creatively and efficiently within budget constraints has made him a sought-after cinematographer in the industry.

Robert Horwell's experience working on these feature films showcases his adaptability, creativity, and dedication as a cinematographer. His collaborations with directors like Stephen S. Campanelli and his ability to excel under challenging conditions have solidified his position as a respected and accomplished professional in the world of cinema.

GRAND ISLE Trailer (2019)

GRAND ISLE Trailer (2019)

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