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Project 06

Gaffer / Sonny Horwell

Illuminating Tom Jones: Sonny Horwell's Creative Lighting in the Music Video for "Not Dark Yet"

In the realm of music videos, lighting is a crucial element that can set the tone, enhance the visual narrative, and create an atmosphere that complements the music. One prime example of this mastery in lighting can be found in the music video for Tom Jones' "Not Dark Yet," where Sonny Horwell served as the gaffer and worked his magic to infuse the video with a unique ambiance inspired by an American-style bar.

Sonny Horwell is a renowned figure in the world of cinematography and lighting design, known for his ability to transform spaces through his creative lighting techniques. In the music video for "Not Dark Yet," he was tasked with crafting an evocative atmosphere reminiscent of an American bar, a setting that is woven into the fabric of the song itself.

Horwell began his creative process by delving into the heart of the song's lyrics and understanding its melancholic undertones. "Not Dark Yet" is a song that navigates the complexities of life, loss, and yearning, and Horwell wanted the lighting to reflect these emotions. To achieve this, he decided to use a combination of practical and mood lighting techniques that would immerse the audience in the narrative.

The choice of location played a significant role in the video's success. An authentic American-style bar, complete with wooden fixtures, neon signs, and a worn-in feel. This locale served as the ideal canvas for Horwell's creative lighting. He understood that the atmosphere needed to be tangible, as if the viewers were sitting in the same dimly lit bar alongside Tom Jones.

For practical lighting, Horwell employed soft, warm incandescent bulbs hanging from the ceiling, which cast a gentle, nostalgic glow. This warm, amber hue created a cozy, intimate setting that resonated with the song's themes of reflection and longing. The subtle flicker of these bulbs added to the vintage ambiance, evoking a sense of nostalgia.

In addition to the practical lighting, Horwell utilized clever mood lighting techniques. The neon signs scattered throughout the bar were strategically positioned to contribute to the overall mood. Their subtle and well-placed light splashes added depth to the frames, creating visual interest and a sense of timelessness.

One of Horwell's standout lighting choices was to use RGB LED Lights, to play with colour. which created a play of shadows and colored reflections on the actors and surroundings. This technique added a touch of mystique and depth to the video, mirroring the lyrical complexity of "Not Dark Yet."

The synergy between the practical and mood lighting techniques, combined with Horwell's experience and ingenuity, brought "Not Dark Yet" to life. The video encapsulated the essence of the song, providing a visual counterpart that resonated with viewers on an emotional level.

Sonny Horwell's work as the gaffer on Tom Jones' "Not Dark Yet" music video serves as a testament to the power of creative lighting in visual storytelling. By expertly blending practical and mood lighting, he transported the audience to an American-style bar where they could feel the raw emotions of the song. Horwell's artistry transformed the ordinary into something extraordinary, illuminating the soul of the music and etching the "Not Dark Yet" music video into the annals of cinematic brilliance.

Tom Jones - Not Dark Yet

Tom Jones - Not Dark Yet

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